The radiant fire of Ilisara’s sun creates both daylight and moonlight. It was the gods' first creation, and thus it is a source of immense divine power. The sun’s rays strengthen all magic to a minor degree.
Lunarcha moves in a cycle that mirrors the cycles of living bodies, the cycles of the harvest, growth of plants and trees, and the cycles of life. It provides a pull to keep the world stable in its orbit, controls the tides, and amplifies sunlight. The moon is made of a mixture of iron and Aetherium.
When the moon reflects the sun’s light at night, it enhances spellcraft in strange and mystical ways due to the Aetherium coating it. The waxing and waning of the moon amplifies and diminishes the effect. On Ilisara, the entire lunar phase cycle is about 40 days. It begins when the sun and moon come together (new moon), peaks when they oppose each other (full moon) and ends just before they come back together again (waning crescent or a dying moon).
Lunarcha is a cold place with stormy oceans and icy peaks. Its sky is a hazy white marine layer of clouds impossible to see through. From Ilisara, Lunarcha appears a white swirling mass. From Lunarcha’s surface, Ilisara cannot be seen.
Home of the Aether Elves
Lunarcha, Lūna, Seluna, the moon has been called many names and attributed to many deities – both pagan and real – for all of Ilisara’s existence. The pale and lonely orb that hangs in the sky was once the divine form of a goddess. In her eternal quiet, coiled among the sparkling stars, she grew lonely. The goddess created elves to keep her company. She named them Aether Elves after the metal she sculpted them out of.
The Elves created a beautiful planet-sized interconnected city of metal and glass on Lunarcha’s surface. It is their ancestral homeland, called Envhëre in their language.
The Moon’s Reception in the Isles
The moon is not especially significant to humans, whose understanding of magic is primitive at best. Only those who take a special interest in lunar power (vampires, werewolves, dragons, Aether Elves, and others) revere it. Witch covens believes the moon enhances their rituals. Much of their magic is performed beneath its light.
Witch Covens and the Moon
Aetherium’s mysteries are known to witch covens. They understand how to harness the metal’s innate divine powers, and keep it a close secret. Covens of witches arrange meetings around the moon’s phases. The full moon is always set aside for rituals and spellcraft. They are empowered and dangerous when the moon is at its height.
Those who practice magic believe that the full moon interferes with magic more than it helps. They are both skeptical and wary of using strong magic during a full moon. To do so is considered bold and reckless, although minor spells are not frowned on. The full moon is both revered for its powers and feared for the havoc it can wreak. Only those who practice witchcraft and off-color magics tend to thrive in the chaos that moonlight (which is sunlight reflecting off of Aetherium) brings.