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Writer's picture: Victoria McKinnonVictoria McKinnon

The symbol of Verunism (art by victoria_fantasy_art)

Verunism is widespread in the Crescents. Most Sun Elves are Verunists. Verunism is a very fervent religion based on the worship of the sun, and its patron deity Veladriel. Verunist tenets, scriptures, and worship are guided by the head of faith, called a “Radiance”. The Radiance can declare holy wars and Great Crusades against pagans and sinful civilizations. 

Pious Verunists are diligent, courageous, ambitious individuals who have supreme conviction and belief in their faith. They protect the weak, shield the innocent, and purge heretics. 

A Verunist priestess (art by acacia_toons)

Guiding Principles

Purity of soul. Be true to your family, your brothers in arms, and your country. Do not let yourself be swayed by temporary indulgences, lies, or temptations. If we rise above the circumstances of this broken world, we can bring heaven to earth and live in paradise. 

Mercy for the misled, fire to purge the wicked. We are not born perfect. Many lose their way. Spare those who recant their evil ways. Forgive transgressions by offering penance. Every creature is capable of learning to become a devout soul, but those who do not cooperate are better burned alive. 

Conquest. Corruption lurks in every shadow. Hone yourself into a fine weapon capable of defeating it. Together, we can cultivate a beautiful world free of sin, and teach the unenlightened pagans what it means to live an exalted life.


The Verunist Creed

The Verunist creed is rigid and inflexible. Any perversions of its founding tenets are seen as heretical sects that must be corrected or destroyed. Realistically, it is nearly impossible to maintain a complete standardization of the faith across the world of Ilisara, and so Verunism is difficult to spread to new cultures and lands. 

The basic tenets of Verunism are: 

  • Veladriel walks among elvenkind, but She is a goddess above all mortals. 

  • Veladriel is the most powerful, righteous, and true goddess. By her grace, life on Ilisara flourishes. Other gods only exist as her stewards and caretakers of the planet. 

  • To purge heretics, beware monstrous races, and abhor evil.

  • Every mortal being has a place within Veladriel’s divine order.

  • To unquestionably obey the authority of the Vestian government and one's superiors. 


Cardinal Sins of Verunism

Indulgence. Indulging in acts of hedonism or lust will cause you to stray further from the Light. The only time these pleasures may be enjoyed is with a loved one. 

Breaking An Oath. Breaking promises and vows are shameful acts. Some interpret this to mean Verunists may only speak honestly, but lies have never been prohibited by the faith. 

Cowardice. Any action or inaction that prevents your personal suffering, at the cost of abandoning your faith’s tenets, is as good as spitting in Veladriel’s face.


© 2023 by Victoria McKinnon

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